Dari Kranggan sampai kali Code

Dari Kranggan sampai kali Code

  • 04 November 2019 - 30 November 2019

The Photography Exhibition “DARI KRANGGAN SAMPAI KALI CODE” features photographs by Naming Prabaswara. Since 2012, she started to take pictures with her phone. She never studied photography formally. Her photography knowledge is an embodied practice. Photography is something that she learns by herself and formalised in her eyes, hands and recorded in her head. Almost every after afternoon she walks along Code riverbank to train her sensitivity by observing the people who move around her. The process of takin photos continuously has shaped her knowledge about photography. Naning practices the democratization of knowledge, that knowledge can be produced and learned by everyone.

This exhibition is part of Fringe Event Jogja Biennale XV 2019