
ViaVia Projects

Because we care...

Every year ViaVia conducts,supports and/or participates in cultural, social and ecological projects. We believe in empowering local people through projects, inside and outside Jogja. Surrounded by great people and great opportunities make us craving to always do more.  Our projects reflect our core values, such as fairness, responsibility and sustainability. 

We work on implementing sustainable tourism and fair trade principles throughout all our projects. We work together with partners like Trees4Trees/Trees4Tours, UNESCO, local artist communities and more. Some of our profit goes to marginal communities or groups in need. Below you can read more about current projects. 


Guide training

Guide training

Every year ViaVia organises training on cross-cultural communication and guiding skills for guides. Young local people get an intensive and interactive training on how to lead groups, on responsible tourism, on historical and cultural knowledge and on story telling. We give chances to young people to explore inter cultural communication skills and discover their own hidden talents.

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